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In contrast to mellow and medium-bodied cigars, a cigar that is full-bodied will feel heavy in your mouth and nose. If you’re looking for a good, full-flavored cigar you’ll find bolder flavors that will linger on your palate. Those flavors will remain strong without presenting a bitter or differentiating experience for your taste buds. Varying in terms of complexity, handmades that are full-bodied will typically house stronger tobaccos and have a much more robust feel on the palate. Many people enjoy a full-bodied premium at the end of a long day or after a big meal. Here are some of the top full-bodied cigar selections from both staff and patrons here at One of the most recognizable names in the industry, both ‘95’ and ‘92’ rated Oliva Serie ‘V’ (Habano-wrapped) and Oliva Serie ‘V’ Maduro (San Andrés Maduro wrapper) share a full-bodied experience. Containing only Ligero leaf that is well-aged, you’ll experience a powerful yet smooth and luxurious finish with each of these premiums. ‘94’ rated, La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva comes as another full-bodied indulgence with its well-balanced intensity and spice. Last, but certainly not least in the world of full-bodied cigars is the ’97’ rated Padrón 1926 Serie and ‘93’ rated Padrón 1926 Serie Maduro. Each handmade carries a reputation like no other with its abundance of flavor and exceptional construction.
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