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The first cigar to be crafted in the Dominican Republic, La Aurora, has been popular for well over 100 years. Some of the finest premium cigars available since 1903 have been manufactured by La Aurora. As the family business is passed down to generation, top-rated cigars are introduced into the market, including the anniversary blend La Aurora 107, the medium to full-bodied perfectly-balanced 1495 Series, and world-renowned 93-rated Preferidos. With strict quality control practices and a plethora of well-aged tobaccos to choose from, La Aurora offers some of the most consistent, flavorful cigars in the industry and the tradition continues, albeit with an updated image that looks to the future.
We are serious about cigars. We are dedicated to earning your trust and loyalty every day. Your 100% satisfaction is our mission. Should you ever have a less than satisfactory experience, we will replace or refund your purchase unconditionally. Rest assured, you are in good hands at We guarantee it!