Add a little fire to your lineup!
Steeped in a culture of honor, Southern Draw Cigars approaches each cigar blend with one goal in mind: perfection. Only producing a limited amount of cigars each month, Southern Draw ensures that each of its premiums is balanced, flavorful, and made with only the best tobaccos in the world. The brand enlisted the help of tobacco master AJ Fernandez to meet its goals, and the results were exactly what you would expect: a portfolio of cigars that cannot be beaten.
Like its other cigars, Southern Draw Firethorn is blended to be paired with specific styles of craft beer, wine, and spirits. This blend is comprised of Cuban-seed fillers and masked with a double-fermented Habano-Rosado wrapper. Each draw is an absolute delight, with sweet and spicy notes complemented by nuances of roasted nuts, cocoa, and caramel. For a complete experience, pair this cigar with a cream ale or pilsner. If wine is more your speed, try a Malbec or Syrah.
Note: Southern Draw Firethorn Habano Rosado is available in collectible 10-count jars. One jar is black, the other is white, but both contain the exact same cigars. For each collector's edition sold, and Southern Draw will make a donation to Cigars for Warriors.