Your everyday Nicaraguan cigar is here!
The 3rd addition to the brand, Primeros Regionals Nicaraguan is a full-bodied blend of lively Ligero leaf, carefully blended in one heck of an enjoyable, value-priced, premium cigar.
Primeros Regionals is a conceptually groundbreaking brand. By utilizing several of Latin America's largest cigar factories, and their expansive inventories of premium tobaccos, this value-centric family of blends is one of the best buys on the market. Throughout the variations you'll find they've succeeded in creating a quality '1st' for the price of a '2nd', and none prove this better than what you see here, their top-notch Nicaraguan offering.
Primeros Regionals Nicaraguan is arguably the fullest-bodied out of the five lines. Its blend consists largely of Ligero, the leaf picked from the top of the tobacco plants. As these leaves receive the most amount of sun, they grow darker, thicker, and more substantially than the rest of the foliage. With the increased nutrients and sugars that flow through these leaves, they produce more flavor, aromas, and spices than typically used tobaccos. It also has a Habano wrapper that really adds to the cigar's profile and overall potency. Expect a rich, spicy, and robust character similar to brands like My Father, Tatuaje, Man O War, and other brands that sell for A LOT more coin. So join the passionate Primeros fanbase today, and buy better cigars while saving more money!