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The world's most sought-after cigars.
Padrón is among the most-popular boutique premium cigar manufacturers in the world. They produce some of the highest-rated premium cigar brands ever, and limit their production each year to ensure that the quality of any cigar bearing the Padrón name is nothing short of exceptional.
The original Padrón line features mostly medium to full-bodied Nicaraguan Puros, available in your choice of Natural (93 rated) and Maduro (94 rated) wrappers. Reasonably priced, and as a result of the rigorous quality control program at the factory, enthusiasts can count on a perfect draw and burn each time they light up. The Natural wrapped version is a bit more spicy than its darker hued brethren, but still well-balanced with toasty flavors of coffee, cocoa, caramel, and nougat. The Maduro is defined by a sweeter, earthier profile, with a heavier priming of the palate and a longer finish, but a bit smoother than the Natural after all is said and done. Fact — the flavor and quality of every Padrón cigar is remarkable and these 'Thousand Series', despite being their most inexpensive, are no exception.
Get your Padron Premium Cigars today!
We are serious about cigars. We are dedicated to earning your trust and loyalty every day. Your 100% satisfaction is our mission. Should you ever have a less than satisfactory experience, we will replace or refund your purchase unconditionally. Rest assured, you are in good hands at We guarantee it!