Davidoff's classic gift assortment, this 9-cigar selection features some of their best-selling premiums. Providing a full range of enjoyment for any discerning cigar enthusiast, the varying vitolas offer up the best-of-the-best per blend. Whether you seek an optimal introduction to the legendary Davidoff brand, or wish to provide someone in your life with a gift they'll very much appreciate, this sampler will provide any cigar lover ideal options for the morning all the way to the end of the evening. Each handmade featured comes securely situated via individual notches within its wooden box, therefore shipping and gifting will be worry-free.
Each Davidoff Gift Selection 9-Cigar Sampler contains:
1 x Davidoff Signature No.2 (6.0"x38)
1 x Davidoff Signature 2000 (5.0"x43)
1 x Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto (3.5"x43)
1 x Davidoff Millennium Piramide (6.1"x52) - '94' rated
1 x Davidoff Escurio Robusto (4.5"x54)
1 x Davidoff Nicaragua Toro (5.5"x54) - '95' rated
1 x Davidoff Yamasá Petit Churchill (4.0"x48) - '90' rated
1 x Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill (6.9"x47) - '90' rated
1 x Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto (5.0"x52)