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The grandfather of the boutique cigar category, Tatuaje cigars are certified legends among serious enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Pete Johnson works tirelessly in the pursuit of perfection, often reworking his blends and traveling long distances to search out the perfect components for his cigars. Construction is never an issue with Tatuaje cigars, and the flavors pour out in a perfect progression providing an ultimately evocative and premium experience. Tatuaje’s deep playbook includes cigars that will energize any palate from the buttery smooth 93-rated Tatuaje Cabaiguan and the hearty and Cuban-esque Tatuaje Miami to the wallet friendly Tatuaje Tattoo, Tatuaje has all the bases covered. Try Tatuaje, the original boutique cigar brand, and experience the hands of a tireless perfectionist at work and at the top of his game.
We are serious about cigars. We are dedicated to earning your trust and loyalty every day. Your 100% satisfaction is our mission. Should you ever have a less than satisfactory experience, we will replace or refund your purchase unconditionally. Rest assured, you are in good hands at We guarantee it!