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Zino Davidoff got his start in the tobacco industry pretty much at birth in 1906. Born to a tobacco merchant, Zino was destined to take over his father's tobacco shop after spending time in South America in the 1920s studying the product extensively. Located in Geneva, Switzerland, Zino's shop has flourished through the years specializing in high-end tobaccos as well as a copious amount of other luxury goods ranging from wine and champagne all the way to cologne. Davidoff cigars are equivalent to the Bentley in cars. Take Davidoff Royal Release for example, luxurious and worth every penny. Searching for a taste of Davidoff history? Look no further and try the Davidoff Grand Cru Series that stays true to its roots. Want to kick it up a notch? Indulge in premium cigar bliss with Davidoff Escurio, one blend introducing your palate to a rush of flavor and complexity. There's little doubt, when it comes to luxury, Davidoff cigars is your brand.
We are serious about cigars. We are dedicated to earning your trust and loyalty every day. Your 100% satisfaction is our mission. Should you ever have a less than satisfactory experience, we will replace or refund your purchase unconditionally. Rest assured, you are in good hands at We guarantee it!