A true revolution in cigar making.
Considered one of the most innovative cigar concepts, Nub is a line of short, stout and well-filled smokes blended to capture the perfect essence of a cigar. These cigars are completely made by hand with densely packed long-filler, allowing each stick to burn slowly while maintaining a smoking time comparable to conventional sizes ranging from robusto to presidente.
The Oliva Family has left a substantial mark on the cigar industry over the past five years. As one of the world's most reputable cigar makers, their highly rated blends can only be found at the most reputable tobacconists throughout the world. In 2007, Oliva received an unprecedented '94' rating from Cigar Aficionado for their Serie ‘V' line, which was also designated as the top new-release that year. When blending, their quality and attention to detail has moved the Oliva Family through the ranks from small boutique cigar manufacturers to the anomaly they are today.
The Oliva team has been fascinated with a cigar's natural tendency to fully develop in strength and flavor about 1/3 of the way into the cigar. They referred to this portion of a cigar as its “sweet spot”, and noted that it was typically temporary and short lived. Convinced they could capture this “sweet spot” in a compact smoke that would maintain perfect flavor from start to finish, team Oliva worked on many prototypes. In short time, they realized they made an incredible discovery, and by combining the perfect size and shape with certain blends, they were able to deliver only the best part of a cigar, its essence.
Available in your choice of Habano, Cameroon, Maduro or Connecticut wrappers, each box is labeled with the individual weight and smoking time of each cigar.
Nub Cameroon #23 Cigar of 2015 - '92' Rated by Cigar Aficionado