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Davidoff puts Winston Churchill front and center.
The makers of some of the finest premium cigars in the industry, Davidoff is sought out by the most discerning connoisseurs in the world. Their commitment to quality is recognized industry-wide and the tobaccos used are second to none. Named after the British politician, Sir Winston Churchill, this exquisite handmade was first released in 2007. Winston Churchill is a legendary character who was rarely seen without a cigar in hand.
Now with a stronger, more potent blend at hand while still retaining all the signature Davidoff qualities, the new Davidoff Winston Churchill has earned a 90-rating and is ready to make waves in the American market. The packaging has been updated with Winston Churchill front and center and the blend is amped up featuring a specially selected Ecuador Connecticut Rojiza wrapper leaf, Mexican San Andres binder, and a long-fillers from the Dominican and Nicaragua. Medium to full-bodied, Davidoff Winston Churchill is as complex as the man himself, and each vitola provides a unique experience of its own filled with notes of wheat, coffee, dried fruit, and cinnamon. For a slightly reformulated version of the standard Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar, the Limited Edition 2016 Gran Toro features an Ecuador Habano wrapper.
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